This post contains a long list of Female Empowerment Business Names, for your use and inspiration.
So, you’ve come up with the perfect business concept or girls group and now you need the perfect name.
How do you tell your ideal group member what you’re all about in a split second with just a few words?
You want it straight to the point.
You also want it to be catchy and memorable, leaving people thinking about it long after they’ve gone.
And last but not least, you want it to reflect one of the foundational elements of your business- empowering women.
If female empowerment is to be a focus of your business, then you’ve come to the right place. Here, you will find a super-long, mega list of business name ideas.
Whether you’re looking to name a business that targets women or offers female services or want to show off the fact that you are a women-led business, there are lots of inspiring name ideas here.
And they’re not just for business either, these creative name ideas are also useful for naming or branding:
- Bands
- Sports teams
- Blogs
- Social media accounts
- Domain names
- Product names
- Social groups / support groups / church groups / interest groups
- Group chats
In all of these situation, the right name will indicate the group members’ common interest, promote unity and boost team morale.
Now, let’s get to the ideas!
These business name ideas are categorized in the following order:
- Female Empowerment Business Names
- Cute Business Names for Women Entrepreneurs
- Sports Team Names & Social Group Names
- Girly Business Names for Women-Owned Businesses
Female Empowerment Business Names
A women empowerment business name is a great way to represent a business with women employees, women leaders and/or a business that is geared towards female customers or focused on women’s rights.
It can influence the business culture and inspire creative thought and loyalty among your team.
Here are some examples of female empowerment business names that you can use as your company name:
- Poise & Power
- SheOwns
- FemmeFortune
- GameChanger Group
- Visionary Ventures
- Queenpin
- Kore
- Queendom
- She Mogul
- Mystique
- Lady Lighthouse
- InfHERno
- Her Intuition
- Queencraft
- Lotus Fire
- Artistic Avenue
- Petal to the Mettle
- af-Her-mation
- Poise & Purpose
- Well Women Win
- First Ladies
- Fuchsia Focus
- MastHERmind Consulting
- Fempire United
- SovereignTea
- Money Makers
- The Bloom Club
- Pearl Power
- Madam Presidents
- Five Inch Standards
- Shero Army
- Ceiling Breakers
- Rock Solid Sisters
- Powerhouse Partners
- Impact Innovators
- Femme Fatale Group
- Cherubim CEO
- Queen Bee Enterprises
- Boldly Her
- Pink Maverick
- Maven Co.
- Her Empire
- Ladies unLimited
- Femme Ventures
- She Works
- Boss Lady Inc.
- Women in Business
- Graceful Ambition
- Leading Ladies Enterprises
- Fempreneur
- BeYouTy
- She Means Business
- EmpowerHer
- EmpowerPro
- RiseUp Co.
- ThriveWorks
- Catalyst Consulting
- Bold and Beautiful Business
- Breakthrough Business
- SHEmancipate
- HerStory
- Bold Ventures
- Elevate Enterprises
- Momentum Makers
- Bold Women Business
- Bossed Up Women
- Flower Spirit
- Marvelosity
- About Face
- ReBelleious
- Busy Bee
- Boss Boulevard
- WeMen
- Flourishing Foundations
- Survivors
- Ladies First
- Gold Solutions
- Women Three
- The Bold Service
- Femmepreneur
- FemCo
- Graceful Pursuits
- She Means Business
- 180 Degrees
- Sista Success
- Transformative Teams
- Success Squad
- Progress Prodigy
- Chic Steps
- SheShines
- LyfeStyle
- OpportuniTea
- Athena Solutions
- Stiletto Menace
- DynaMight
- She Einstein
- HerVentures
- Sky Hi
- Ready Solutions
- Bella Mode
- Diva-rsity
- BeautyMakers
- She’s Worthy
- GoalGetter
- Infamiss
- Kindred Hearts
- Boo-tique
- Destiny Divas
- From The Ashes
- Lady Luminary
- LimeLight
- WomenRising
- Inspiration Inc.
- Next Level Leadership
- Forward Focus
- Sista Strengths
- Das Stiletto
- The Beyond Company
- Fancyplay
- King Fuchsia
- Strongplay
- Womanhead
- Miss Bliss
- Hearthead
- Madam Great
- Iya
Cute Business Names for Women Entrepreneurs
Looking for memorable business names? A catchy name that is perfect as a brand name and easy to remember?
Here are some ideas for cute names for your consideration:
- Stiletto Society
- Crown And Glory
- In My Bag
- Fluffy Excellence
- High-Key
- Hardy Heart Heart
- Rainbow Spirit
- Lady Rain
- RePlay
- Wildsong
- Pink Riot
- S.T.I.L.E.T.T.O.
- Three-Eyed Mavens
- Company Revival
- Pumps and Pizzazz
- She-EO Solutions
- Sista Sparkle
- Damsel in Success Inc.
- Femme Finesse Co.
- Crimson Crush
- Siren Ventures
- Fuchsia Fabulous
- HerCorner
- Gilded Tiara
- SerendipiTea
- Pink Hurricane
- Lace Nails
- Pink Peony Productions
- Raspberry Ruffles
- Sista Style
- Pink Diamond Enterprises
- Foxy Moxy
- Rose Blossom Co.
- Pink Touch
- Nicely Spicy
- Lace Assassin
- Sugar Nails
- Fuchsia Fusion
- The Bossy Bosom
- HerEmpire
- FemmeForce
- Graceful Ventures
- Glitter Elixir
- Poised & Powerful
- SheBoss
- Little Spoon
- Pearly Professionals
- The Quartz Queens
- Divine Dreams
- Rose Oasis
- Diamond Petals
- Gem Express
- tHERapy
- Sew Tight
- Sassy Soldiers
- Graceful Oasis
- Rose Haven
- Petal & Thorn
- Glittered Elephant
- TutuLaLa
- FemVista
- The Diva Siren
- The Rose Cottage
- Diva Mode
- Quiet Moxy
- Savvy Star
- Sweet & Sublime
- Lead Over Heels
- FemPower
- Rose Gardenia
- Crown & Glory
- Brawny Brains
- Valiant Velour
- SoftMetal
- Women’s Way
- BoldlyHer
- SheWorks
- Leaders Three
- The Chic Service
- School of Glam
- The Rose Garden
- Heel Attack
- The Divine Boss Project
- Juliet, No Romeo
- ShaBOOya
- Glitter Crust
- Morning Hill
- Saucy Savant
- SwanKEY
- HerBiz
- For The Love of Women
- Disciples Of Her
- Les Women
- Chic Stiletto
- Leaders and a Stiletto
- Bossatron
- A Pinch of Sass
- Ladies & The Tramp
- Three Bees
- Morning Glory
- Loose Change
- Rose Emporium
- My Heart, Your Arms
- Fancy Tooth
- The Love of Leaders
- The Fancy B Experience
- Sweet Poison
- Boo-tiful Things
- SheInnovates
- HerEssence
- Loud Courage
- Cherubim & Co.
- Wynk
- Thynk
- Hot & Holy
- Pretty Glances
- Queenship
- Eagle Eye
- Threedust
- Success Symbol
- The Wild Bees
- HERo
- MissTaken
- Eternal Phoenix
Sports Team Names & Social Group Names
Another situation in which you might be looking for female empowerment group names is that you want to name a girls team. What a great idea! This is a way for young girls to become interested in the empowerment of women early on. A good team name also gives team members a sense of pride and unity that will motivate them.
Here are some great names for this purpose:
- The Fear Eaters
- The Steel Roses
- The Flower Army
- The Champagne Champions
- Mer-Mades
- The Fixin’ Vixens
- The Lady Bugs
- Sequin Superheroes
- The Edge Snatchers
- Butterfly Wings
- Daughter’s of Eve
- Awesome Blossoms
- Game Changers
- The Lovely Baddies
- The Wildcats
- Ladies who Brunch
- The Brazen Vixens
- Pink Elegance
- Commanding Charm
- Dominant Dames
- Spring Society
- The Bae Army
- Fairy Dusters
- The Zealous Zebras
- Boo-tiful Blooms
- Charming Bosses
- The Bee Swarm
- Warrior Women
- Roofbreakers
- Daisy Dreams
- Phoenix Flames
- Poised Ponies
- The Morning Glories
- Thunderbolts
- Diamond Divas
- Stiletto Popping Ladies
- The Silverbacks
- Golden Eagles
- Lady Lightning
- The Bees Knees
- Power Puff
- Fuchsia Finesse
- The Rose Vine
- Diva Crushers
- Slay Belles
- Beacons of Glory
- Powerful Posse
- Diva Pirates
- FemiNest
- The Matriarchy
- Pink Squad
- Sassy Sunflowers
- Sparkling Spartans
- The She-Empire
- Powerful Pirouettes
- Soul Sisters
- She-Wolves
- Pink Assassins
- Bloomin’ Roses
- The Emerald Queens
- Daring Duchesses
- Sister 2 Sister
- Fuchsia Force
- SuperSirens
- Pink Dreamers
- Turquoise Tribe
- Mama Mavens
- Lace Dragons
- Heartbeats
- Diamond Dames
- Equality Champions
- The Brazen Raisins
- Happy Hour Hipsters
- The Holy Heffas
- Tulip Treasures
- Sista Squad
- Peony Power
- Bodacious Babes
- The BlOSSoms
- BossLadies
- QueenBees
- Sisterhood Inc.
- Both Beauty & the Beast
- Women Who Work
- Muse Mamas
- FemNation
- The Brawny Brigade
- Fancy Friends
- LadyLeaders
- PowerPact Women
- Rad Baddies
- Lady Einstein
- Light Beams
- Amazing Amazons
- Flowering Roses
- Midnight Divas
- Lady Courage
- The Lightning Strikes
- DiVarsity
- Limitless Leaders
- Sista Support
- The Handy Hotshots
- Victory & Valor
- Vibey Vixens
- Roaring Renegades
- Daughters of Destiny
- The Strong Lady Project
- Women Unleashed
- Winning Women
- The Divine B Experience
- Fancy Heart Brigade
- The DandeLions
- Lady Mavericks Corporation
- Panther Prowlers
- Maverick Mamas
- Bejeweled Babes
- Wild Squad
- LadyLeaders
- Sista Socials
- The Chic Leaders
- Fancy Heroes
Girly Business Names for Women-Owned Businesses
Are you the chief executive officer of a business or part of a group of female entrepreneurs making a change? The best way to show this off to potential customers is with a powerful name that is feminine in nature.
Not only is it a representation of your group’s DNA, it helps those who want to bridge the economic gender gap make a quick decision to support you.
- Blush Boutique
- Fuchsia Bloom
- The Ruby Room
- W.O.M.A.N.
- Gemz
- Lady Wonder
- Women and a Woman
- By Woman, For Woman
- Rosewood Designs
- Calla Lily Collective
- Fuchsia Fields
- Lady Boss Enterprises
- SweetHer
- Rise and Bloom
- Pink Dream
- Graceful Visions
- Violet Vixen
- Baddie Buddies
- Fuchsia Finds
- Bespoke Babes
- Pink Lemonade Co.
- Cherry Blossom Creations
- Fuchsia Fashions
- Rose Petals & Co.
- Mademoiselle Solutions
- Gardenia Industries
- FemForward
- Carnation Creations
- Diva Warriors
- PinkBullet
- Goddess Group Inc.
- The Boss Post
- Flowers Unlimited
- Bodacious Belles
- Emerald Empire
- Diamond Dynasty
- Glamorous Grounds
- The She Emporium
- Fancy Footwork
- PinkBlast
- Thunder Arms
- SuperpowHER
- The Fancy Boss Project
- Fuchsia Flair
- Divine Designs Ventures
- Cinnamon Oasis
- Pink Petals
- Bubblegum Beauty Co.
- The Rose Room
- Women in Charge Co.
- Lady Entrepreneur Inc.
- Girl Power Co.
- Her Business Boutique
- I Am She Inc.
- Jasmine Solutions
- Spicy & Nice
- Fuchsia Forte
- Graceful Horizon
- Rosebud Florals
- FemVentures
- The Lady Journal
- SheWorks
- Boo-tiful Finds
- Graceful Haven
- Sista Solutions
- Rosy Posy Florals
- The Heel House
- SheEmpowers
- A Sugar Shindig
- Three Inch Women
- Sole Sisters
- Boo-tifully Clean
- BeauTique
- FyHer
- The Rose Palace
- The Daily Lady
- Women Who Win LLC
- Graceful Solutions
- Sista Services
- Glitter Goddess
- Lit Kit
- Sparkling Smooches
- SheLeads
- Soleful Struts
- HerWay
- Rosewood Garden
- SheCreates
- FemWorks
- Sista Strategies
- SheBosses
- WomenWise
- RiseUp Women
- EmpowHer
- FemForce
- Graceful Essence
- SheInspires
- WonderHer
- SheerHer
- Boo-tique Clothing
- Formidable Innocence
- FreelyFemme
- Diversity Divas
- HerHub
- Heel to Toe
- Chic Kicks
- Elevated Elegance
- Women Today
- Cheetah Print Productions
- Peach Princess
- Bouquet Boutique
- HerLegacy
- Rose Avenue
- She Leads Company
- Boo-tiful Scents
- FemInnovate
- HerImpact
- Heel Haven
- GirlsRule
- Fyne Felyne
- Step Up Style
- The Rose Boutique
- The Lady Boss Today
- Graceful Edge
- Threedust
- Stiletto, Leaders and Bees
- Another Divine Summer
- High Step
- Boss’s Chic Heart
- Walk This Way
- Itsy Bitsy
You’ve come to the end! I hope that you’ve find a little inspiration to help you create a unique name for your group.
If you went through the above lists and still haven’t come up with the perfect name for your group, here are a few suggestions on how to find a different name for your company or group.
Tips To Come Up With Female Empowerment Business Name Ideas
1. Use a team name generator
Use the internet to your advantage! Google “team name generator” and plug in the requested information and the algorithm will spit out different business name ideas for you to consider.
The nice thing about using a generator is that naming experts create them using formulas for the most successful business out there.
Just keep in mind that you may get a weird, funny name or two. Those ideas can help you think outside the box and come up with something unexpected.
2. Reference my letter lists
If you want your name to start with specific letters or you are looking for very powerful words, I have the perfect resource for you.
I’ve done the work to come up with blog posts that list powerful, positive words for each letter of the alphabet. Just scroll down the list of the desired letter and pick a word that represents your team!
Click here to start with the ‘letter A’ list. (You’ll find a directory to the rest of the letters at the very end).
3. Know that you may have to change your name a few times
Coming up with the perfect business name is no easy task. (I should know! I’ve changed this blog’s name a few times myself!)
It’s totally FINE if you choose something now and then change it down the road when you find something you like better. It’s all part of the growing pains of a business. Many of your favorite companies have gone by different names in the past! It’s better to just get started now.
Wishing you good luck on your journey to find female empowerment business names!
Kay says
This was really helpful.
Deze says
I’m so glad to hear that!
Linda Pekosi says
Thanks for the ideas provided