This post is a collection of morning journal prompts, to help you start journaling in the morning.
The morning time is the foundation of your entire day.
One specific thing that holds special benefits when performed in the morning is…. journaling.
What’s so special about writing in the morning, you might ask?
Well, journaling in the morning sets the mood for the rest of your day and allows you to process any emotions, issues or conflicts that linger from the previous day (or overnight) and then come up with a strategy to optimize your day moving forward.
Here are some other reasons you should give it a try…
Why You Should Journal in the Morning (The Benefits Are Worth It!)
Besides the obvious benefit of being less distracted by family, work, errands or fatigue, morning journaling is very helpful if you tend to get overwhelmed by a busy life or if you are going through a particularly difficult time right now.
By writing first thing in the morning, you can do a mind dump and start the day clear-headed, organized and with more perspective and purpose.
Keeping a daily morning journal also helps to build discipline.
The sheer act of writing every morning, before you start the day, builds willpower, boosts productivity and gives your day structure which can decrease stress and make you feel more in control.
“What If I’m Not a Morning Person?”
If you’re not a morning person, don’t worry! We are on the same team, trust me.
I am not a morning person; in fact if I was President, words would be illegal until 10am every morning (lol just kidding…I think)!
The thing is… morning journaling is actually perfect for people like us because it allows us to start our day more slowly, while our brain kickstarts ;).
Plus, you can’t really journal wrong…so even if you scribble out some answers to a few prompts while your eyes are half-opened, half-closed, you still reap the benefits of maintaining a mindful morning routine.
You can then spend your afternoon & evenings (when you are more alert) on your more intensive, active and high stakes activities.
39 Morning Journaling Prompts & Ideas to Get You Going
So now how do you begin? Well, I’ll tell ya.
Some people choose to do “morning pages” (which is 3 pages of unfiltered thoughts hand-written as soon as you wake up every morning).
I like finding morning journal prompts for adults and using those to guide my writing.
If you’re like me, then you will appreciate the assortment of prompts that I’ve compiled below. You will see that I’ve included morning journal examples and tips to help you understand and get started on each idea.
I personally like the idea of picking the “prompt-of-the-morning” based on the mood I wake up in or the issues I’ve been dealing with lately. (That’s why I’ve included suggestions on when to use each prompt).
But, you can also pick a set of prompts from this list and make them standard everyday questions that you answer every day.
1. My Daily Affirmation for Today Is…
Use this prompt to adjust your mindset.
Affirmations are short declarative statements that are used to transform the mindset of the person using them and stimulate self-change. By picking or constructing an affirmation for the day, you are coaching your mind and subsequently, your actions to fall in line with your goals for the day.
For ideas, help yourself to my extensive affirmation database, starting with these 12 motivating & positive daily affirmations.
2. What Can I Do Today That Will Help Me Sleep Peacefully Tonight?
Use this prompt when you have a lot on your plate.
It gets overwhelming when you have a lot to do. Sometimes, it’s hard to differentiate what is important from what is urgent. If this is your current state of mind then this is one of the best morning journal questions that you can answer right now. It allows you to identify the highest priority things for you to do today.
3. Today I Am Looking Forward To…
Use this prompt when life feels a bit mundane.
When you need something to make you jump right out of bed, this is a good daily journal prompt for you to answer. As you sit down to answer this question, don’t look too far into the future. Write about something that you’re looking forward to on the same day.
4. What Season Am I in Right Now and How Should That Affect My Actions?
Use this prompt when you need clarity.
It could be a season of rest, a season of sowing and sacrifice, a season of reaping and rejoicing, a season of transformation or one of self discovery. Identifying what season you are in allows you to figure out what you should focus on, on a day-to-day basis.
5. My Prayer for Today Is To…
Use this prompt when you feel burdened or wish to communicate with God.
This is a question that you can answer every morning. Take your concerns and thoughts to God by journaling your prayers for the day. Some people even choose to do this daily in a separate prayer journal.
6. I Need to Give Myself Grace Especially in These Areas Today…
Use this prompt when you struggle with blame or shame.
Think about the ways in which you’ve been hard on yourself or the areas that you anticipate will be hard for you to juggle today. Then, give yourself permission to just do your best. Write about the real ways that you can be gentle and kind to yourself today.
7. What Can I Do Today That Will Make Me Smile?
Use this prompt when you need a pick-me-up.
Maybe swing by the coffee shop and treat yourself to your favorite brew. Or, call your favorite pal, hug your child more tightly or light that candle that you save for special occasions. Think about today’s schedule and then figure out where you can fit in some of your favorite indulgences.
8. Today I Am Most Thankful For…
Use this prompt every day.
This morning gratitude journal prompt is perfect for everyday use. Studies show that gratitude has many positive effects on our mental health. For one thing, expressing gratitude helps us to be happier and replace negative emotions with positive ones.
So, when you need to start the day on a positive note or banish any negative emotions that threaten to take over your day, write down your blessings.
9. What Can I Do Today to Bring Someone Joy?
Use this prompt to focus on kindness.
When you’re super focused on your own issues, it’s easy to forget to do good things for others. So, when life has been hectic, add this to your morning writing to remind yourself to look outwards.
10. What Is One “Big Thing” I Can Cross Off My To Do List & What Are the Benefits of Doing So?
Use this prompt when you have a long To-Do list.
Productivity coach Brendon Bruchard has mentioned that achieving one significant task that gets you closer to your big-picture goal motivates you more than crossing off a bunch of little insignificant tasks. So, when you have a long To-Do list in front of you, start the morning by identifying the one “big thing” you can cross off of your list.
11. What Did I Achieve Yesterday That I Can Build Upon Today?
Use this prompt to focus on your long-term goals.
When answering this question, think about your big-picture goals. What did you do yesterday that brings you closer to the life that you envision? Now, what all can you do today to take it a step further and get even closer?
12. What Is Worth My Time Today (& What Should I Just Let Go)?
Use this prompt when you are overwhelmed.
Did you wake up feeling anxious and overburdened? Make a “no” list filled with things that can wait and a “yes” list of the things that can’t. This tactic will allow you to prioritize like a winner for the rest of the day.
13. How Can I Be More Present in the Moment Today?
Use this prompt to improve your morning meditation.
Meditation lowers stress and anxiety while increasing focus and productivity. Mindfulness meditation involves being fully aware of your current situation, without judgement. For suggestions & inspiration to get you writing on this, read How To Be More Present.
14. What Area of My Life Do I Need to Be More Intentional With?
Use this prompt when you’re seeking meaning & purpose.
If you woke up today thinking “what’s it all really for”, then you may need to explore how intentionally you’re actually living your life.
What areas of your life are you finding yourself to be on autopilot or mentally disorganized? And how can you turn it around to make more conscious decisions and bring more meaning to your life.
15. What Is the Biggest Challenge I May Face Today? How Can I Prepare Myself for It?
Use this prompt to mentally prepare for the day.
Anticipate. Anticipate. Anticipate.
If you can anticipate the hiccups that you may encounter today, it will put you in the mindset to act strategically instead of react emotionally. It will also make it less likely for you to be stumped by disappointment.
16. What Baby Step Can I Take to Move Me Towards My Goals?
Use this prompt when you don’t know what to do next.
Have you woken up with a dozen things competing for your attention? Or perhaps you feel emotionally flooded and can’t figure out where to go from here…
By identifying one small step that you can take towards your goal, you’re letting yourself know that you don’t need to do it all. Even if you can take just the one step forward, you can call today a success.
17. Today I Want To Be…
Use this prompt to set the tone for the day.
Can you summarize what you want from the day in a simple phrase? What about summarizing how you want to feel at the end of the day in one word? Some example words are “productive“, “stable“, “determined“, “relaxed“, “pampered“, “energetic“.
When you can successfully complete this exercise in the morning, it will put you in the mindset to take steps towards the word of your choice, for the rest of the day.
18. What Negative Thoughts Do I Need to Silence?
Use this prompt to fine tune your self-talk.
Do you wake up with feelings of stress and worry? Do you keep thinking “I can’t believe that I did that, I’m so dumb” or “I have nothing to get up for“. Write all of the negative thoughts that come to mind down, then challenge them.
Ask yourself what you would tell a friend who has been thinking the same thoughts that you just wrote down. You would comfort them wouldn’t you? Well, you deserve the same.
Also, make sure to become a part of the inbox family, where we work on our self talk and mindset every week…
19. Is There Anything I Need to Forgive Myself For So I Can Start Today with a Clean Slate?
Use this prompt when you struggle with guilt and regret.
We all mess up. But are you punishing yourself for past mistakes? Forgiving yourself is essential to your own wellbeing and to a healthy relationship with yourself and other people. Start the day fresh with some self reconciliation.
20. What Did My Actions Yesterday Say About My Priorities? Do I Need to Do Anything Differently Today?
Use this prompt when creating your To-Do list.
This is a good question to use with a planner, bullet journal or habit tracker. Start your morning with a sober assessment of the previous day. Did they align with your goals, values & priorities? Are you headed in the right direction? Use your assessment to plan a more effective day for today.
21. Today I’m Going To Stop Procrastinating With (Blank) & Here’s How…
Use this prompt when you’ve been procrastinating.
When answering this prompt, be as specific as possible. To start your day with determination and direction, call out whatever it is that you’ve been putting off and then write down exactly how you plan to conquer it.
22. What Small Action Can I Take to Step Out of My Comfort Zone Today?
Use this prompt when you wish to develop courage.
Imagine that at the end of the day, you are laying in bed and you reflect back on your day. What’s going to make you say “Wow! I can’t believe I really did that!”
23. Who Can I Encourage Today & How?
Use this prompt to figure out how to positively impact others.
So many times, we have good intentions about ministering to other people, but a hectic life causes us to forget.
If you start your day with this journal prompt, you can move that intent from a passive desire to an active plan that you are much more likely to accomplish.
24. Am I Taking Anything for Granted?
Use this prompt when you feel you’ve got your priorities out of wack.
Have you been overlooking your spouse’s contributions or your friends’ accomplishments? Have you been slacking off at work, with the thought that your job will always be there? What about your home? Your freedom? Your health? How can you express your appreciation for these things?
25. What Can I Declutter Today to Free Up Mental Space?
Use this prompt when you’ve been distracted.
Overstimulated by the constant multitasking in life? Does your brain feel like it’s on overdrive? Being pulled in too many directions? To free up your mental space, write down what boundaries that you’d like to set in your life. Also write about the ways that you can be more mindful and present today.
26. What Did I Learn Yesterday That I Can Put Into Practice Today?
Use this prompt when you feel stagnant.
I think this is one of the best morning journal prompts. One main reason is that even though a good morning routine can be integral to a productive life, it can start to feel like, well… a routine.
Dull and static.
One way to escape that feeling is to answer this question daily so that you can track the growth happening day to day in your life!
27. What’s a Pain Point in My Life I Can Address Today?
Use this prompt when you wake up stressed.
This is a therapeutic journal prompt that should help you focus on what you can control instead of dwelling on the things that you can’t control.
What can you do today, to make the load a little lighter on yourself?
28. How Can I Show Love to Those Around Me?
Use this prompt when you haven’t had enough time for your friends and family.
Maybe you need to call a family member for a chat… Or send a text…. Give a hug…. Or give a gift… This is an opportunity for you to take inventory of how you have been interacting with the people around you. How can you be more intentional with the way you treat them?
29. How Did Yesterday’s Happenings Make Me Stronger or Better Today?
Use this prompt for self-reflection.
I believe this question is the true essence of morning journaling. It’s introspective and it helps you to go through and process yesterday’s events. Then, it takes it a step further by prompting you to extract life lessons to make today the best day possible.
30. Why Is Today Important to You?
Use this prompt when you feel low in motivation.
This is one of the most profound daily morning journal prompts on this list. Especially if you are someone that struggles to find a reason to roll out of bed in the morning. Forcing yourself to write down at least one reason why today is important to you will give you the answer you’re seeking for.
31. Are There Any Patterns of Behavior I Need to Change?
Use this prompt to focus on self development.
Dig deep… In what areas of your life could you use some development? How do you want to see your character evolve in the future? One tool that you can use to change your future behavior is future self journaling. Have you heard of it? Check out this post for some ideas on how to incorporate it into your daily journaling.
32. Today I Challenge Myself To…
Use this prompt to step out of your comfort zone.
What is the the most difficult thing on your To-Do list? What are the areas in which you are too comfortable? Where can you afford to shake it up and be a little crazy? Explore some of the ways that you can be spontaneous today.
33. Today I Will Quiet My Mind By…
Use this prompt when you wake up with a million things on your mind.
The business and noise of our daily responsibilities can leave us frantic and unfocused. It’s not actually productive to have your mind thinking so many different things at one time. So today, start by identifying the ways that you can find some mental peace.
34. Do I Need to Adjust My Expectations in Any Area?
Use this prompt when you feel disappointed.
Disappointment comes from unmet expectations. So if you woke up today feeling let down about something, you may need to ask yourself if what you expected was fair or realistic in the first place.
35. How Far Have I Come Since This Day Last Year? What Progress Has Been Made?
Use this prompt when you wake up feeling unaccomplished.
It’s time to celebrate your wins. This morning, I want you to reflect on how you’re enjoying some of the things that you used to pray for. Or just think about how you thought you’d never make it this far and then appreciate the fact that you are indeed here. Trust me, you’ll walk into the rest of the day feeling victorious.
36. What Do I Need to Cope With Today That I’ve Been Putting Off?
Use this prompt when you’ve been dragging your feet.
You know that thing…. C’mon you know what it is…. That one task that sticks around on your To-Do list week after week… The one you keep telling yourself that you’ll get to later…
Name it then outline in your journal how exactly you’ve going to conquer it today.
37. If Today Was a New Beginning, I Would…(& How Can You Make Some of Those Things Actually Happen?)
Use this prompt to spark your creativity.
One of the benefits of writing in the morning is that creativity peaks in the morning. Take advantage of this knowledge with this imaginative exercise. Write about what you would do if nothing was stopping you. Then, take a second look… what steps can you take today and moving forward to move you closer to that imagined life?
38. What Can I Appreciate About Yesterday (Even if It Was a “Bad” Day)
Use this prompt to adjust your perspective.
Did you wake up with a bad taste in your mouth from what happened yesterday? Well, gratitude can be therapeutic. List as many things as possible that were favorable about yesterday. The more terrible of a day it was, the more specific you should be!
39. Is There Fear in My Life? What Can I Do Today to Bring Peace?
Use this prompt when you’ve been anxious.
Check in with yourself. What are the perceived (or real) dangers that have got you tense in the body and worrisome in the mind? Do you need to call up your counselor? Or cancel some plans to reorient yourself emotionally? Once you identify them, go a step further by coming up with a game plan to address them.
And that’s all folks!
If you came here wondering what to put in your morning journal, I hope the morning journal prompts above met your needs and then some.
Happy Journaling!
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