Remember when trying to get pregnant was exciting, magical, romantic and even enjoyable?
That lasted for the first, what…3 months?
6 months to a few years down the road, enjoyable has left the building.
After you figure out that trying to conceive won’t be as easy for you as it seems to be for everyone else, the process becomes stressful and frustrating.
The pressure of wanting each cycle to be a successful one, makes it hard to think about anything else. It also makes it hard to think about yourself and your happiness.
I hear you sister!
Over time and because of my long journey to conceiving, I’ve discovered and tried several TTC products that really help to make the long cycles and never-ending 2-week waits a bit more happy!
Keep reading for a list of TTC items that will bring you laughs, destress you and even one that will bring the sexy back!
(That Will Make You Hate The Process A Little Less)
1| An underwear subscription box, to bring the sexy back
Top of the list of things that get lost while TTC is the spontaneity and sexiness of making love.
Peeing in a cup to test your ovulation, checking your temperature first thing in the morning and charting cycle days are just not sexy. They make love-making turn into scheduled baby-making.
(I’ve literally put it on my to-do list before).
An easy way to bring the sexy back is lingerie (of course).
Now, think about getting a monthly package in the mail with new designer, sexy lingerie. It is something that both you and your spouse can look forward to.
Unwrapping the box to find out what new underwear or lingerie you’ve been delivered definitely adds some fun, spontaneity and novelty back to TTC.
Check out Underclub, an underwear subscription box that you can get every month. (Pro tip: schedule it to arrive right before ovulation wink wink).
2| Fertility candy, to boost fertility in a tasty way
These Pink Stork Fertility Sweets taste really really good!
They are made with folate, zinc and vitamin B, which we know promote fertility and are important for TTC.
In addition, these candies are organic and can be used by both men and women.
I used to keep a handful at work (they’re individually wrapped) for mid-afternoon treats. Not only do they taste good, they also make me feel like I’m giving my fertility a mid-afternoon boost (which is more than we can say for your average candy).
3| This fertility coloring book, to destress & focus on fruitfulness
If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll know that adult coloring books have become popular in a big way!
They’re used to decrease stress, plus, the repetitive motion of coloring has a way of focusing your mind on the present and away from anxiety-inducing thoughts.
Well, if you’re going to color while TTC, I’ve got the coloring book for you!
‘Fertility Symbols’ is a coloring book featuring a variety of fertility symbols. Ranging from a lotus flower to a kokopelli, all the symbols represent abundance, femininity, fruitfulness and other themes like that (don’t worry, the author includes explanation pages).
It’s great quality for the price! There are both intricate and large designs, meaning that you can color with coloring pencils or markers.
I think this is a very fun activity to have handy when you need things to do during the two-week wait or when you want to focus your mind on all things fertility.
4| A cute TTC Mug, with a cheeky saying
Humor makes (almost) everything better, amirite?
I found this adorable mug and you know what it’s perfect for??? Fertility tea! (You shouted mimosas didn’t you?)
Check out this Etsy shop for a whole collection of mugs with saucy sayings. Several of them are specific to the TTC journey.
5| Adorable Uterus Plushie, to (literally) show your uterus some love
This plush uterus is hilarious!
You can use it in so many ways! Since I can’t hug my actual uterus, it’s nice to be able to hug this uterus (and give it a pep talk)!
It’s comfortable, funny, and also makes a great gag gift to lighten the mood after surgery or IVF.
6| A fertility-themed jigsaw puzzle, for those with angel babies
A great way to survive the 2-week wait (especially for the TTC Mamas with a history of pregnancy loss), this huge jigsaw puzzle is named “the sadness of Gaia”.
This gorgeous 1000 piece puzzle will take several days or months to complete and can be framed at the end.
I imagine that it would be extremely therapeutic to put together such a beautiful piece of art, especially when other parts of life aren’t feeling very put together.
7| This funny book about infertility & TTC, because laughter is therapeutic
999 Reasons To Laugh At Infertility is a book that used to be a blog filled with funny infertility experiences.
The blog is gone now but the book is still around for our enjoyment today!
Snag this book for a therapeutic laugh.
Not only will it make you chuckle, but it will also give you that warm feeling of connecting with someone that relates to what you are going through.
BONUS!!! | Pretty fertility-themed journals
If you love to write, journal and reflect, then pick up a gorgeous fertility-themed journal like this one or a floral IVF journal like this one.
They make the experience so much more enjoyable and personable.
Infertility and waiting to conceive are NOT fun, trust me I get it.
But while you wait, you can at least enjoy fun TTC products that make the experience lighter and easier to bear.
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