This post is all about the importance of mindset.
I’m sure you’ve heard it before…
“Mindset is everything.”
But what does that even mean? Is our frame of mind really that important?
I would argue that the answer to that question is a profound and very loud YES!
To really grasp why that is, we need to understand how our state of mind relates to everything around (and within) us.
Mindset is so-called “everything” because it touches, impacts, and influences quite literally every aspect of our lives.
Before we dig into all those areas, I want to pause for a second and uncover what mindset really is.
What Do We Mean By “Mindset”?
When we talk about mindset, we’re talking about the way that someone thinks or views the world around them.
It includes a person’s beliefs, attitudes, emotions, and assumptions.
Mindset also encompasses both your conscious and unconscious thoughts as well as how you view yourself.
If you’re wondering why mindset is so important, consider this:
Your frame of mind plays a role in the decisions you make, the actions you take, the interactions you have with others on a daily basis.
In light of that, a toxic mindset can lead to poor decisions, missteps, and broken relationships.
A healthy mindset, on the other hand, lays the foundation for good choices and stronger relationships.
Growth vs Fixed Mindset & Why It Matters
Someone with a growth mindset is unstoppable. They don’t let obstacles get in their way or derail them from their goals.
The person with a growth mindset takes failure and criticism and uses it to catapult them forward.
They learn from their mistakes, believing them to be opportunities for growth and change.
Someone with a growth mindset doesn’t allow setbacks to stop them.
If they face a challenge they don’t yet have the skillset to meet, they simply take the time to acquire the skills needed and then keeps moving forward, towards their goals.
The growth mindset believes that with hard work and perseverance, they can—and will—ultimately succeed in their endeavors.
On the other hand, a person with a fixed mindset is just as it sounds—stuck in their ways.
Someone with this mentality believes that “you have what you have” and there’s no changing it.
The fixed mindset typically settles for the idea that a person is born with certain qualities and abilities and no amount of effort or persistence will make a difference.
They have a preconceived idea regarding what they can and cannot achieve, and they allow that to define who they are.
So, why does the growth vs fixed viewpoint matter?
To put it simply:
If you have the attitude that you’re either born with the ability to succeed or not, chances are that you’ll give up easily, thereby limiting your potential.
But if you believe you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, you set yourself up for success.
10 Reasons Why Mindset Is Everything
(& Touches Every Area of Your Life)
Your mindset or way of thinking about things has a very real and significant impact on your happiness, your level of success in life, and even the quality of your relationships.
I know I’ve already mentioned that it affects all areas of your life, but that’s pretty general.
So let’s look at specific examples of just how powerful the right mindset can be.
1. It Lays the Groundwork for Success
The brain is a powerful factor in how you handle yourself.
When you have a positive way of thinking and a “can do” attitude, you remove limiting behavior that would otherwise hold you back.
With that in mind, a positive mental attitude can help you achieve both short-term and long-term goals. In fact, simply setting goals can be a catalyst for future success.
Additionally, when you have a positive image of yourself and your place in this world, you’ll feel confident and capable of taking on even difficult projects or tasks.
2. It Allows You to See the Good in All Situations
Everyone feels down or defeated at times, but it’s what you do with these setbacks that make the difference.
When you set your mind to see the good, you start seeing the silver lining in every situation—no matter how difficult it may be.
Whether it’s a job loss or a disappointing health diagnosis, when you strive to see the good in all situations, you’ll not only be happier, but you’ll also feel more confident.
If all you see is failure or negativity, misery is the only logical outcome.
Set yourself up for joy instead by realizing there are two sides to every coin. Even the bad can bring about good in some way.
3. It Facilitates the Right Attitude About Failure
Let’s face it:
Nobody likes to fail.
Unfortunately, failure is a part of life (and a part of growth!).
Setbacks are not a reflection of you as a person. Sometimes business ventures don’t work out or your dream job slips away from you.
It happens.
The important thing is for you to accept that you are on a journey, and naturally, there will be bumps in the road.
But those bumps don’t have to stop you in your tracks.
4. It Equips You to Achieve Your Goals
Simply put:
A positive or growth mindset helps you achieve your goals.
With a positive outlook, you’re more focused on the progress you’re making and less likely to allow those inevitable struggles to cause you to quit.
You will have good days and not-so-great days (notice how I didn’t say “bad”?).
Having a positive perspective and knowing that you have what it takes to achieve your goals will help you achieve them.
5. It Helps You Silence Negative Self-Talk
(which is something we work on every week as an e-mail family, so don’t forget to subscribe!)
Many people struggle with negative self-talk that sabotages their efforts.
Whether it’s sticking to a workout plan or tackling a new project, positive thinking helps silence that negative voice that tears you down.
The more you speak words of life to yourself, the quieter those negative comments become.
If you need a little nudge in the right direction, try these daily positive affirmations.
6. It Provides the Soil for Personal Growth
With the right attitude, you are more likely to be objective when identifying areas of your life that need improvement.
You can address areas of weakness without succumbing to negative thoughts or seeing them as personal failures.
With a positive mindset, you won’t limit yourself with the false idea that there’s nothing you can do about bad habits or difficult circumstances.
What you can do is set some goals and begin a journey of personal growth.
7. It Equips You to Face Challenges & Overcome Them
At some point, we all face challenges that seem overwhelming or almost impossible to overcome.
The right mindset equips you to look for solutions and find a path through to the other side of life’s problems.
Unfortunately, people with a fixed mindset tend to give up too easily because they lack the belief that they can overcome whatever they encounter.
But you don’t have to be that person.
8. It Helps You Make Positive Changes As Needed, Where Needed
It’s important to not just set a path and be so rigid that you’re unwilling to course-correct. Even multi-million dollar companies have failed with this type of mindset.
With a positive outlook on life, you see change as an opportunity for “better.”
Evaluating where change is needed is an essential part of personal growth as well as success.
9. It Promotes Resiliency When You Face Hardship
Nobody likes to face hard times, but most people will at some point in their lives.
The good news is that difficult times can make you stronger and more determined if you allow them to.
When you set your mind to accomplish (and even rebuild when necessary), not much can stop you.
Such frame of mind is exactly what will help you triumph during times of adversity.
10. It Fosters Better Relationships with Others (& Even Self-Awareness)
A positive outlook helps you see the good in all things, including your family, friends, and coworkers.
With this type of mindset, you’ll be a happier person, which makes your interactions with others much more pleasant.
It can even help you develop your own self-awareness without being overly critical.
By the way, self-discovery journal prompts are a fantastic tool if you need a little help in the self-awareness arena.
Convinced Yet?
How to Master Your Mindset
(The CliffsNotes Version)
If you’re ready to take control of your life and master your mindset, you’ll need to first understand how mindset is formed.
Second, you’ll need to discover how to change your current way of thinking into something that’s more positive and rewarding.
In many cases, our mindset is formed, at least in part, by those around us.
As children, we learn by modeling parents and other role models in our life, but this type of modeling is true for adults as well.
If you’re surrounded by people who have a fixed mindset, that way of thinking can rub off on you.
So, what’s a gal to do?
- Start by surrounding yourself with people who are happy, kind-hearted, and positive thinkers.
The more you engage with people who possess positive attitudes, the easier it will be to emulate that in your own life.
If you have family or friends who aren’t on board with having a positive mindset, make it a personal goal to look for the positive in every interaction with them. It’s also okay to limit the amount of time that you spend around them.
- Practice finding something positive to say about every situation.
Whether you’re stuck in traffic, running late, or waiting in line at the grocery store, find the good in those experiences.
- You can also practice being appreciative.
We take a lot for granted, but if you woke up in a warm bed in a home with electricity, running water, and plenty of food, you’re more fortunate than many people on this planet.
Being grateful for what you have puts you in a positive state of mind.
- Another important part of cultivating a positive mindset is to put an end to negative self-talk.
This can be challenging for some people, especially if it’s become a habit.
Fortunately, the more you catch yourself speaking negative thoughts, the sooner you’ll begin to implement changes to your mindset.
Every time you think something negative, change the message, but don’t berate yourself for the initial negativity.
Correct the message by saying something positive (or neutral) about yourself or the situation.
For example, instead of saying “that was dumb of me” because you forgot your phone at home, correct it by telling yourself “everyone forgets things from time to time.”
Work on it daily, and you’ll find yourself needing to make fewer and fewer corrections.
Sometimes it helps to write positive talk down. If you don’t already journal, I highly recommend it. Try these self-love journaling prompts to get started!
(And don’t forget! You can join my e-mail group to help you transform your mindset & self-talk)
- Another great way to change your attitude is to focus on the progress you’re making rather than your performance.
We all start somewhere. Meaning, you don’t have to master positive thinking in one day.
Just acknowledge that you’re making progress towards your goals and that’s something to be excited about.
The more consistent you can be in looking for the good in people, changing your own negative self-talk, and acknowledging your progress, the happier you’ll be.
It will also move you forward toward a healthier mindset.
It can be extremely helpful to evaluate your progress from time to time. Ask yourself questions, such as, “how have I been handling failures or obstacles?”
Make sure that you’re not berating yourself, but rather, look for learning opportunities in every mistake.
Baby steps are what lead to transforming your mindset. And since mindset is everything, those steps are worth taking!
Gloria Holliday says
😊 thanks