What if I told you that you could achieve success in any area of your life?
What would you be willing to change to make that happen?
Well, as they say, mindset is everything. So to change your life, you have to change your mindset.
In this post, I’ll walk you through how to transform your mindset in a super practical way.
I’ve summed it all up in 13 simple steps, so let’s get into it.
1. Identify Your “Why”
When you want to change your mindset, it’s important to understand your reasons.
People will say they want to make more money, be successful, have better relationships, or maybe improve their health.
However, changing your mindset starts with understanding the core reasons behind those desires for change.
Let’s look at two examples:
- Why do you want to be healthier? Is it so you can have more energy for the things you love?
- Why do you want to make more money? Is it so you can give your growing family more space in a better home?
Delving into your “why” behind the change helps you stay focused while transforming your mindset.
It takes hard work to change old habits, but knowing your “why” keeps you encouraged and moving forward.
2. Set Your Eyes on the Prize
If you’ve ever tried to accomplish something big, you know that it takes more than willpower and motivation.
Don’t get me wrong. Those two things are very important, but you also need to have a clear idea of what it is you’re trying to accomplish.
I highly recommend clearly defining your goals and even writing out a plan to help you get there.
Let me ask you this…
Would you make a trip across the country without a map? Probably not.
Without a roadmap to keep you on your path, you’ll end up wasting time and energy on wrong turns.
When you know exactly what it is you want to achieve and you have a clear path to get there, you’ve essentially created a roadmap to success.
3. Start Small
Your current mindset has been formed over many years, often dating back to when you were just a child.
So it can be hard to alter old ways of thinking, but rest assured, YOU can do it.
Start by setting tiny goals and focus on achieving those goals as quickly as possible.
With some smaller successes under your belt, you’ll gain confidence to tackle some more challenging goals.
This is because one of the fastest ways to improve your mindset is to actually see yourself succeeding.
These small wins basically affirm your ability to succeed (in a big way!).
4. Shift Your Self-Talk
Everyone faces self-doubt or low self-esteem from time to time, but minimizing this type of thinking is key to mastering your mindset.
Try to recognize when you say something negative to yourself, and switch such self-talk into something positive.
For example, catch yourself when you say things like “I’m so dumb. I can’t believe I forgot to pay that bill!”
Then shift your self-talk to something like “It’s okay. I’ll set a reminder next time.”
(For weekly tips & freebies on transforming self-talk & being positive,
become a part of my e-mail family!)
5. Extinguish Limiting Beliefs
Someone with a fixed mindset likely doesn’t move out of their comfort zone very often.
They tend to believe that the skills they possess now are all they will ever have, and nothing they do can change that.
This type of mindset is extremely limiting because you’ve convinced yourself that you can’t break free from things that are holding you back.
Fortunately, changing your mindset for success is as simple as letting go…of limiting beliefs, that is. Let go of the things you feel like you can’t do.
If you lack the knowledge or skillset to do whatever “it” is, invest time in learning and gaining those skills.
You’ll be so glad you did!
6. Embrace Change
Ultimately, you want to have a growth mindset that embraces change, even if that change is unexpected or seemingly unwanted.
If you’re stuck in your ways, you aren’t moving forward.
Progress involves forward motion.
You simply can’t go forth without change in one way or another.
When you adjust your mindset and attitude, you’ll find yourself looking at new experiences as exciting opportunities to learn and grow.
7. Make Time for Personal Development
In order to shift away from a toxic mindset, you should dedicate time to personal development.
This doesn’t have to be long and complicated. It can simply mean reading books on how to change your mindset and reflecting on what you learn.
Think about how what you’ve read applies to your own life and decide how you can use the information to become more success-minded.
You can also pursue other interests such as learning a foreign language, developing a new hobby, or even working towards improving your health and fitness.
8. Keep a Gratitude Journal
Few things more positively impact your future than keeping a gratitude journal.
Gratitude is key to changing your mindset from negative to positive, and journaling about things you’re grateful for helps keep things in perspective.
It’s natural to focus on the negative things going on around you, but in this case, “natural” doesn’t mean “good.”
I’ve found that keeping a gratitude journal helps me concentrate on all the wonderful, positive things in my life.
That, in turn, makes me have a grateful attitude overall and therefore, a more positive mindset.
9. Volunteer Somewhere
Here’s a very practical, actionable tip for how to be more positive:
Invest time in volunteer work.
There are tons of organizations that need help. In providing that help, you’ll gain a new perspective on how truly blessed you are.
Not only that, volunteering gives you a sense of purpose and fulfillment that helps you see the good, even during times of trouble and heartache.
It can be fun and rewarding (which is certainly an added bonus), but volunteering has a unique way of shifting your mindset, helping you see the world in a more positive light.
That’s the true gift!
10. Use Positive Affirmations
When you want to change your mindset, positive affirmations are a great place to start.
Try looking in the mirror and saying:
- “Today, I’m going to be confident and happy.”
- “I’m going to make today a great day.”
- “I have everything I need to be successful today.”
Say these positive affirmations and believe them!
Tips byDeze
My 30-Day Affirmation Calendar will make #10 super easy for you.
Just give me your e-mail address here & I’ll send it right over!
11. Train Your Brain to See the Good
It’s easy to get wrapped up in negative thinking, but with consistent practice, you can change that kind of mentality.
Whenever you notice yourself seeing the bad in a situation, switch it up and think of something positive or good about what’s going on.
For example, maybe you burned dinner. Instead of sulking in a perceived failure, you can accept that things don’t always go as planned. You can even be playful and think to yourself “at least I didn’t burn the house down” and brush it off.
Also realize that you have the power to turn the situation around.
In our “ruined dinner” scenario, you could use the opportunity to order a pizza and make it a fun movie night with the family.
Go out of your way to look for the good. Before you know it, you’ll develop a new, more positive mindset.
12. Create and Maintain a Vision Board
A vision board can be a powerful tool to help you reach your goals and achieve your dreams.
Think of a vision board as a visual representation of your goals that helps you stay focused on your path to success.
You can cut out pictures to use, create your own images, incorporate inspiring quotes, or write words that help you visualize your goals.
Actually seeing your goals is instrumental in helping you achieve them.
Here’s a vision board checklist to help you get started.
Once you’ve completed your vision board, place it in a prominent location so you can see it often.
13. Accept That Willpower Is Not Enough
Sometimes we think that if we just want something bad enough, we’ll get it. These faulty assumptions are often deeply ingrained in who we are.
Changing your mindset for success takes hard, persistent work.
That said, if wanting something bad enough pushes you to work hard and make it happen, then yes, willpower is a persuasive tool.
It’s just not enough all by itself.
How Long Does It Take to Change Your Mindset?
So, you know you want to have a better mindset, and you’re prepared to do what it takes to make it happen.
The logical next question is…
“How long until I see noticeable change?”
The good news is that you can start seeing significant changes almost immediately.
To speed things up, start with the small things like identifying your “why” and practicing daily affirmations.
These are small successes that you can build upon, while simultaneously building confidence.
And confidence inspires continuation. From there, it’s a domino effect that ultimately leads to the end result—a beautifully transformed mindset.
Well, there you have it! Now you know how to change your mindset without making it complicated.
You can do this. Just be consistent, and you’ll be enjoying a more positive, success-oriented mindset before you know it.
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