In this post, you will find a list of positive things to say about yourself & to yourself.
If life was a cartoon and we could see what everyone was thinking, what kinds of words would show up in your thought bubbles?
Self deprecating, negative phrases? Or empowering and self-appreciative statements?
This is a very important question to ask yourself because what you tell yourself about yourself is way more important than what the world tries to tells you about yourself.
I’ll explain why…
Why You Should Speak Positive Things About Yourself
If you constantly think negative things about yourself, the decisions that you make on an everyday basis will reflect that.
For example, if you’re always thinking to yourself that “everything that I do fails“, you are less likely to take chances and try new things because you have programmed yourself to think that nothing you do will work out anyways. By not taking any chances or trying new things, you’ve stunted your own growth and limited your own potential.
Another example- if you tell yourself “I don’t deserve for good things to happen to me“, you will reject opportunities for advancement or destroy relationships that could otherwise make you happy.
This is why you have to master positive self-talk; the everyday chatter inside of your brain quite literally affects your quality of life!
Now I understand that transforming self-talk isn’t always easy.
To make it easy, I invite you to become an inbox friend and learn (weekly) how to think positive about yourself and maintain a positive outlook.
I also invite you to review and make good use of the following list of positive things to say about yourself, to yourself:
1. I have a purpose to fulfill today
What’s the reason you get out of bed in the morning?
What is the motivating force behind all of the sacrifices that you make?
Saying positive things to yourself about your life purpose will always be uplifting and motivating.
2. I can do this
Instead of being your #1 critic, become your own biggest cheerleader by adopting this simple, yet very powerful, statement- “I can do this”.
Whisper it to yourself when you encounter self-doubt and shout it out loud when someone has the nerve to imply that you can’t! Repeat it and believe it and it will open you up to a world of possibilities.
3. I am creative
This statement hits very close to home because there was a whole period of my life where I believed I wasn’t creative. I told myself that I was completely left-brained and analytical by nature. Because of it, I wouldn’t even attempt creative projects.
Because of a transformation to my mindset, check me out now! I’m blogging, DIYing, decorating and living my best creative life!
The more that I declared that I am creative, the more I was able to create!
Do not doubt the power that positive statements about yourself can have on your life.
4. I’m investing in tomorrow with what I do today
When the grind gets hard and you can’t see the end of the tunnel, remind yourself of the greatness and joy that lie ahead.
5. I make a difference
Among the positive phrases to say to yourself, phrases that remind you of your unique impact upon this world are some of the most important. They remind you that you have a life purpose and that you are needed on this earth.
6. I’m the only person responsible for my thoughts and actions
The ability to take responsibility for one’s actions and choices is a sign of maturity. It’s also an important trait for leaders and innovators to have. Embrace accountability in your personal and professional lives.
7. I am honest and trustworthy
Among all of the good things about me, I am most proud of my integrity.
You should be too. If you are honest, trustworthy and committed to doing the right thing no matter the circumstances, that is something to be proud of.
8. I’m not perfect, but I’m perfectly me
There’s a freedom in telling yourself that you are imperfect. It frees you from the expectation that you need to be infallible.
What you should aspire to, however, is to be as authentically YOU as possible.
9. I am a child of God
If you’re struggling with what to say about yourself, you can take encouragement in what God, our creator, has to say about you. He lovingly designed you as one-of-a-kind and continues to give you life every day for a special purpose. He sees your value.
10. I’m focused on how I can make the best of every situation
Celebrate your rose-colored sunglasses. The ability to put any situation into perspective, embrace change and be adaptable is very admirable.
11. I choose to let go of things that are beyond my control
Don’t forget to add this to your list of positive things to think and say to yourself.
The ability to accept uncertainty and make the choice to focus on things that you can control will only bring you peace and happiness in this life.
12. There’s no shame in asking for help when I need it
Give yourself permission to ask for help and receive help.
It takes vulnerability to reach out and admit that you can’t do something all by yourself and being vulnerable is scary. So, when your pride tells you that it’s weak or shameful to ask for help, remind yourself that it’s actually a sign of courageousness to conquer this fear.
13. I choose faith over fear
When the going gets tough and you are tempted to give up, you stand your ground and choose to believe that things will get better. Pat yourself on the back for pushing through even when you feel afraid.
14. I’m a problem solver
If you’re looking for positive things to say about yourself during an interview, this is one of the best ones.
Being a problem solver takes accountability, creativity, humility and curiosity. These are all qualities that are attractive to employers so make yourself look good by sharing past scenarios where you took charge and beat a tough obstacle.
15. I am resilient
Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly and completely from a difficult experience. When something bad happens, remind yourself that you’ve survived 100% of all the bad days you’ve ever had and become even stronger as a result.
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16. Giving up isn’t an option
When the going gets tough, re-motivate yourself by visualizing yourself accomplishing your goal and remember why you started in the first place.
17. My goals are more than dreams
Your goals are not fantasies; they are within reach. When you believe that, you become one step closer to making them happen.
18. I’m confident in my own skin
Sometimes it’s hard to think positive about myself, but that’s when I take steps to boost my confidence.
Sometimes I recite self love affirmations and sometimes I read bible verses that talk about self worth. Sometimes, I’ll even pull out old notes & compliments that highlight my distinctive abilities and value.
To be confident in your own skin, I challenge you to accept and celebrate the things that make you different from everyone else and I encourage you to invest in yourself.
19. I deserve to take good care of myself
Self care isn’t optional. You have to do what’s necessary to rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit.
You only have one body and it takes care of you every day, while you strive for your dreams and even when you take it for granted. So when you’re taking a break and feeling guilty about doing so, remind yourself that you deserve it.
20. Today is full of possibilities
There are an infinite number of positive things in life. Once you realize that, every day becomes a new adventure. When you truly own this statement, you become a much more optimistic and hopeful person.
21. The obstacles I face are just growth opportunities
When some people encounter hard times, they are quick to adopt a victim mentality, saying “what did I do to deserve this” or “why me“?
Instead of doing that, you embrace an empowered mentality by looking for the lesson and opportunity behind every setback.
22. I have the ability to make this day great, and I choose to do so
This is one of the best things to tell yourself daily (in the morning).
Simply put- you get to choose your life every day. Don’t take that lightly.
No, we don’t always get to choose our circumstances but we do get to choose our attitude, mindset and actions during said circumstances. That’s an empowering way to start the day.
23. I am courageous
One of the biggest compliments to give yourself is to affirm your own bravery.
Great strength lies within you and is accessible to you whenever you want.
24. Nothing can steal my joy unless I allow it
True joy is based on the condition of your heart and the serenity of your mind. It isn’t based on what you have, what other people are doing or even what’s going on around you.
So when you’re thinking positive thoughts about yourself, remind yourself that your joy cannot be stolen by anything or anyone.
25. One bad moment doesn’t ruin a whole day
If you’re looking for positive things to say to yourself in the morning, this is another one that you need to adopt.
By starting the day telling yourself that one bad moment doesn’t have to ruin the entire day, you are preparing yourself to shake off any stumbling blocks that come your way for the rest of the day.
A bad moment is able to stay just that- a moment.
26. I am loved unconditionally
Unconditional love is love without conditions and without boundaries. You have so much more love around you than you probably know. Not just from your family and your friends, but also for yourself! And last but definitely not least, from your Maker.
27. I’m braver than my doubts
You truly are.
When doubts and worry creep in, you feel the feelings but take a step forward anyways. When confidence runs low, you keep finding a way to motivate yourself. For that, you are an inspiration.
28. I can change anything I don’t like about my life
You have the power to direct your destiny. You are not “doomed” to any one set of circumstances.
Bask in that knowledge!
29. If I fall, I just get right back up
Among all of the good things to say about yourself, this one will help you to become more resilient.
In life, falling is inevitable. It’s about what you do after you fall that matters.
30. I have good discernment
You make good choices. Your decisions have good outcomes.
When you feel stuck, remind yourself that you have the necessary wisdom (either within you or around you) to steer your life in a good direction.
31. I choose the bright side
Even when things look hopeless and dim, there is always a bright side. Find it and focus on it.
This is a great way to remind yourself that you have the power to choose your mindset.
32. My half-full glass is refillable
When you realize that your glass is neither half full nor half empty, but rather refillable, you open yourself up to a growth mindset and an infinite number of possibilities become yours.
33. I work hard for what I want
To be successful in any walk of life, hard work is non-negotiable. In fact, hard work supersedes talent in many arenas!
Every day, you wake up, make sacrifices and work hard. You embrace duty, exhibit discipline and do whatever needs to be done. And for all of those things, you deserve to be appreciated.
34. I am capable of doing great things
I can do hard things.
I can do many things well.
I have the capability to make my plans into reality.
These are just a few motivational things to say to yourself.
By adding motivation to your self talk, you can increase your energy, enthusiasm and productivity- all things that you need for success.
35. I forgive myself
Forgiveness for others takes great strength but forgiveness for yourself can be even harder.
Self love journaling prompts can help you identify the grudges you’re holding against yourself and then work towards letting them go.
36. I am blessed beyond measure
You have access to food. You have clean drinking water and indoor plumbing. You have access to the world wide web!!
You don’t have to look far to find things to be positive about. Even when you hit a streak of bad luck, actively remind yourself of all the things that you have to be grateful for.
37. I persevere in the face of adversity
When life gets you down, do you crawl into your shell and hide or do you process the hurt, learn the appropriate lessons and then keep on going?
Real strength and courageousness lies in getting up every time you fall.
I hope you’ve found an ample number of positive things to say to yourself on this list.
Remember that you can always join my e-mail group for weekly chats about positivity, self-talk & motivation.
Because when you think positively, positive things happen to you.
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