Ever heard of a law of attraction vision board?
Here’s how to use one to flawlessly visualize, pursue and accomplish your goals.
Law of attraction experts use the term “visualization” a lot.
The idea is that if you can clearly visualize the things that you want, then you can determine a clear path to whatever those things are.
People use this technique to reframe their self-limiting negative thoughts into productive, positive thoughts and to ultimately live their best life.
One of the most efficient ways to “visualize” what you want (and make it happen) is with a law of attraction vision board.
The Secret Behind the Law of Attraction:
Visualization & Hard Work
The link between vision boards and the law of attraction are visuals.
Right now, relax and vividly imagine what it would look like to have that thing you so deeply desire.
It can be anything you want – peace, success, love, a new job.
The trick is to imagine it in the present.
If it’s always a far-off future thought, procrastination will rear its ugly head, and it’ll never happen.
The idea is to see yourself in your ideal scenario and use all 5 of your senses to be as detailed in your imagination as possible.
Once you have that crystal clear picture in your mind, what are the tools you need to make it happen?
You see… the law of attraction will NOT negate hard work. It simply harnesses the power of a positive mindset and laser-focused purpose.
Positive affirmations are one of my favorite tools for keeping myself motivated and focused on the goal.
But that’s not the case for everyone. Some people benefit more from seeing their motivation rather than hearing it.
That is where vision boards become a superior tool!
They fix your eyes and mind on those goals so that your actions and everyday decisions can move in that direction.
What Is a Law of Attraction Visual Board?
I’m sure you’ve seen a vision board before even if you didn’t automatically recognize it as one.
Maybe one of your friends has made a poster with snapshots of physically fit women to inspire them to go to the gym every morning.
Or maybe you know someone with a scrapbook of stunning dresses leading up to their wedding day.
Or perhaps you’ve seen one of those collages with cut-out magazine pictures and words like “dream big” and “live, laugh, love” scattered throughout.
Those are all vision boards made by people that are aiming to achieve a specific goal in the near future.
A law of attraction vision board works similarly by engaging your subconscious mind to influence your conscious actions.
It can also be referred to as a law of attraction “mood board” or “dream board.”
When you can visualize your dreams on paper, you will start formulating a path to make them happen without even realizing it.
Dream boards are especially helpful if you don’t know where or how to start or if you have a track-record of not following through with your plans.
You can make one board with all of your ideas or create different boards for each goal type.
Then it’s just a matter of displaying them where they’ll be most effective. A fitness board should be wherever you meal plan or wherever you keep your workout clothes while a career/education board should be wherever you study or in your home office.
Every time you look at the board, focus on how you’ll feel when those images become reality.
And be specific.
Let’s use a “dream college” board as an example.
Imagine yourself walking down the campus with the wind in your hair. Think of all the conversations you’ll overhear, such as student club meetings, student election debates, random announcements and conversations.
Feel the warmth of the coffee cup in your hand as you grab a mocha latte to go from the little café in the food court. Engage all of your senses into these thoughts.
How Can Vision Boarding Help Me Manifest and/or Attract What I Want in My Life?
Visualization prompts you to find available resources (that you might not have noticed otherwise) and put them to work for you.
I think the benefits of vision boards can be best explained in 4 ways:
1. There Is Power in Clearly Identifying What You Want
Our past experiences shape our personalities and influence who we are. We pick up cues from our surroundings and incorporate them into our life.
Identifying what aspects you don’t like and want to change is the perfect way to reframe your thought process.
As soon as you do, you can finally stop wasting time and energy on those actions that, ultimately, won’t get you to your goal.
Not only that, setting clear expectations for what you want helps you to see how far you are from your goals and what steps need to be taken to get you there.
2. There Is Power in Goal Setting
Instead of goals echoing in your head, it helps to write them down (in word or picture). Doing so makes those goals feel more concrete. It also makes it easier to develop a plan of action.
There’s something called the “SMART” technique, and you should definitely use it.
It states that goals should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound.
Companies use this method to establish their objectives, and it can be very effective for vision boards as well.
Setting clear goals can also push you out of your comfort zone, which is a GOOD thing. It can even help you measure your progress, evaluate the efficiency of your process, and help you overcome procrastination.
But the most important aspect of setting goals is that it helps you recalibrate and revise your plans so you’re always moving forward (and in the right direction).
3. There Is Power in Staying Focused (Seeing Is Believing)
Even though I’ve already mentioned how important it is to stay focused, I really can’t emphasize it enough.
The idea of the law of attraction is that you want to keep your eyes focused on constructive goals, not destructive possibilities.
That is, if you concentrate on the good, you will bring in more good things in your life. As you continue to visualize those things, you gain confidence and more able to break down any limiting beliefs you may have.
4. There Is Power in Exercising Creativity in All the Above
If you are an avid reader, you’re probably aware of creative visualization. When writers create a story, they make up characters, the plot, the world they live in, their conflicts, and their triumphs.
And when you read the words, you use your imagination to see the stories inside down to the tiny details.
Creative visualization works similarly.
You envision yourself in a world where you see everything play out the way you want. When that happens, it’s a lot easier to see how to get there in “real life.”
How to Make a Vision Board to Achieve What You Want
If you loved art projects in school, then you might already be a pro.
You can make a vision board to attract love, your dream job, abundance, and more. The possibilities are endless.
But today, I want to focus on making a vision board that puts the law of attraction in action. Here’s how:
Step 1: Identify Your Goals and Desires
Sit down, grab a pen and paper, and start writing out what you want. Decide the number of dream boards you need, what they should include, and where you want to place them.
If you need a little help, try asking yourself some questions:
- Who do I want to be?
- Where do I want to be in 5 years?
- What do I want to experience?
P.S. If you’re someone who thrives with accountability, consider throwing a vision board party and getting your friends involved or creating a couples vision board and teaming up with your spouse!
Step 2: Gather Your Supplies
grab a printable vision board checklist here for free!
If you already know where you want to hang your vision board, use a measuring tape to determine how big of a board you can have.
A canvas works great, so does a wooden or plywood board. Of course, good ole poster boards are just fine, too.
Next, think about the visual and images that you want to include. Search and print desired images from Google or Pinterest (which is kind of a vision board in and of itself).
Magazines are excellent, too. Just flip through and cut out attractive photos, headlines, and inspirational quotes.
Small snippets of writing work great as well.
Mix it up to provide some dimension and visual appeal!
Make sure you have scissors (bonus points for those cute decorative scrapbook scissors), glue, sharpies, colored pens, washi tape, and other basic stationary supplies with you when you work.
Step 3: Make Your Vision Board
There are no hard and fast rules here. Just design it in a way that is attractive to you and represents your aspirations.
Now, glue the pictures and words you cut out (or printed) to your board!
Then, you can add in little drawings, write in words and add decorative details like washi tape for creative flair.
Step 4: Use It Consistently
You need to set aside space to view your board. Put it somewhere that you can see it before you leave for work each day or every night before you go to bed.
Just be consistent. You can’t expect it to influence you if you don’t see it in your daily life.
Need Inspiration? Examples (& Success Stories) of Law of Attraction Vision Boards That Worked
I came across some law of attraction vision board success stories that were absolutely amazing, so I wanted to share them with you.
One such story is of a woman from a law of attraction Facebook group. One of her goals was to travel to Venice, Italy, so on her vision board, she placed photos of Venice, the hotel room that she wanted to stay in and the specific food that she planned to eat there.
Not only did she achieve her goal of visiting Venice, she was blessed with financial help to get there!
There are other stories as well. When Jim Carrey started his career, he wrote himself a 10 million dollar check for his acting services. Now, the whole world knows his name!
And get this:
Lucinda Cross began visualizing the life she wanted from inside a jail cell. Today, she is a powerful entrepreneur motivating and empowering women to build their businesses.
But remember this:
She didn’t get there (nor did Jim Carrey) by sitting on her behind wishing on a shooting star. She put in the hard work, just like we have to do to make our dreams come true.
I think this quote is spot on:
“Dreams don’t work unless you do.”
So, Do Vision Boards Work?
If you’re still not convinced that vision boards help, then maybe the problem is with you. I know, that’s kinda harsh.
What I mean is….maybe you’re limiting yourself by constantly doubting your choices?
If you doubt something can happen for you, why would you invest actions or energy into making it happen? You won’t. And at the end of the day, that vision board will just become another piece of art.
You have to consistently visualize and focus your thoughts for the law of attraction vision board to work.
And remember, it’s not the board that does the work. You do!
So let go of past failed attempts, and move forward knowing that you CAN and you WILL achieve your goals!