In this post, you will find friendship affirmations for making new friends and strengthening old relationships.
Friendships are wonderful to have.
Great friends make your life richer, happier and more fulfilling.
From personal experience, there is nothing more uplifting than knowing someone has your back, come rain come sunshine. Nothing more beautiful than to have people that just get you; people that share similar thoughts, ambitions and interests.
Unfortunately, as we age, doesn’t it seem like it gets harder to make meaningful friendships?
I’m literally in a Facebook group that is targeted towards adult women that want to make new friends.
And you know what I hear in that group?
“I really need new friends”
“I need a friend group by summer I don’t wanna party all by myself”
“The older I get, the harder it is to meet new friends”
“I thought I made a friend but they just wanted me to join their business opportunity”
It becomes harder to trust others. Harder to find those that have common interests and harder to find the confidence to connect with strangers.
And when we do have solid friends, it gets harder to stay in touch because adulting is hard, we’re all busy and priorities change.
So, if you’re looking for a way to make new friends, become a better friend and figure out which relationships to keep or toss, I totally get you and I think affirmations for friendship will help you out.
How to Use Positive Affirmations for Friendships
Are you asking yourself if affirmations actually work?
If you ask me, I say YES!
They are effective for changing your mindset which is how you transform your life.
You’ve probably used affirmations without realizing it. Have you ever mentally recited to yourself “I can do this”, I deserve amazing friends” or “I can be a fun friend” and then felt more confident and outgoing? That’s a positive affirmation working!
If you could unintentionally make that happen, imagine what you could accomplish if you said them with purpose?
Here are the secrets to making your affirmations effective.
Dedicate time to it and be intentional
Pick a time or location to go over the affirmations of your choice.
Some people like to say positive affirmations in their car on the way to work; others might prefer in the mirror while doing their skincare routine.
Just pick a time when you have minimal distractions and no fear of someone thinking you’re being weird ;).
Set your affirmations in the present
When creating new affirmations, start your statements in the present tense.
Use “I am” instead of “I will” or “I wish“.
It tricks your brain into creating a mental image of your desired reality so that your actions fall in line.
Identify your goals
The idea isn’t to take all of these affirmations and just read them out loud, back to back.
NO- the idea is to know your specific goal (for example, growing your friend circle, finding a best friend or dealing with losing friends) and then pick affirmations that lead you toward those goals.
Take action
Here is the final step- taking action. You’ve talked the talk, now it’s time to walk the walk.
None of this is magic; a change in behavior has to accompany this change of mindset.
So, if your affirmation is that you are a fun friend to be around, go ahead and make a list of fun things to do with your friends.
Affirmations to Make New Friends
This first collection of affirmations are to help you if your goal is break out of your shell and meet new people.
For those that have social anxiety or that have moved and need friends in a new city, repeating these statements to yourself will naturally attract positive relationships. Find the confidence needed to form meaningful relationships.
related : 110 Self Love Affirmations to Build Your Self-Worth & Esteem
- My heart and mind are open to new connections today.
- I have a magnetic personality.
- Wherever I move, I am able to find true friends.
- I am a fun person to be around.
- I am a friend who spreads positivity.
- I actively listen to understand perspectives that are different from mine.
- I am a great person who is deserving of great friends.
- I meet interesting people every day.
- I can strike up conversations with strangers.
- My body language is inviting.
- Having more friends is a top priority in my life.
- My new best friend is also looking for a best friend and we shall meet each other soon.
- I fit in.
- I laugh and enjoy myself easily, without being self-conscious.
- I am calm and relaxed, in the presence of other people.
- Wherever I am, wherever I go, I know that I can make great friends.
- I believe I can make a difference in the lives of my friends.
- I love making friends.
- I may not be perfect, but I am worthy of great friends.
- I attract nice and wonderful people who make me feel loved and cherished.
- Even when I’m busy, I can make time for my friends.
- I know that I can make new friends effortlessly.
- I can be there for my friends when they need me.
- My friends accept me for my flaws and imperfections.
- I allow myself and those around me to be imperfect.
- I release the need to judge myself and others.
- I am making room for an amazing best friend in my life.
- I have friends who I connect with on a spiritual level.
- I have friends who I can share my love for {insert desired hobby} with.
- I am on a journey to create lasting friendships with beautiful people.
- I am the friend I wish I had.
- I am a friend in need and a friend indeed.
- I attract friends easily.
- The more that I love, care for and appreciate who I am, the more I attract others who do the same for me.
- I attract trustworthy friends that I can depend on.
- I make friends with people who have great values.
- I can make friends with people who inspire me.
- I know that everyone won’t like me and I don’t take it personally.
- New friends add to my happiness; I am happy by myself first and foremost.
- I clearly communicate what I need and want.
- All of my new friendships are mutually beneficial.
- I am not scared to ask new acquaintances for a coffee, lunch, or dinner date.
- I give off warm, positive, and friendly vibes to all people.
Affirmations for Lasting Friendships and/or Losing Friends
This second set of affirmations will motivate you to be a better friend or bring you peace when you feel anxious about the status of your relationships. They are to help you set healthy boundaries and help you to avoid “drama llamas”.
By repeating these affirmations to yourself, not only will you learn to believe them, you will learn to hold yourself accountable to relationship habits that are healthy and balanced.
- I am wise and mature when resolving conflicts with my friends.
- I can maintain long-lasting friendships.
- I can set healthy boundaries in my friendships.
- I am good company for all of my friends.
- I am my most authentic and loving self to all my friends.
- My friends can confide in me.
- I receive love and comfort from my friends.
- I deserve friends who do not get envious when good things come my way.
- I can spend quality time with my friends.
- I do not sabotage my friendships.
- I find time for the relationships that are important to me.
- I choose to only have healthy relationships.
- I have friends who uplift me and don’t bring me down.
- I do not need toxic friends. Moving forward, all I need are healthy friendships.
- I let go of relationships that are no longer right for me in this season of my life.
- It is okay to say no to my friends.
- I have a community of friends that I can bare my heart to without being judged.
- I can be happy for my friends, not envious when good things happen to them because they deserve it.
- All of my friends bring me joy.
- I love my friends unconditionally.
- I am empathetic.
- I am deserving of unconditional love from my friends.
- My friends and I forgive each other easily.
- I deserve friends who make me happy.
- I am valuable to my friends.
- I have friends that motivate me to want better things for myself.
- I have friends who are beautiful on the inside and outside.
- My friends can count on my opinions.
- I have a successful friendship circle.
- I never get tired of talking to my friends.
- My friends and I are living long fulfilling lives.
- My friends think I’m fun and love my presence.
- My friends value my wisdom.
- I am a great, loving-hearted friend who doesn’t turn a blind eye to any friend’s suffering.
- I am the first person my friends call when they are sad, happy, or just need someone to be around.
- I have the best friends I could ever hope for.
- My friends can count on me, and I can count on them through the dark times.
- I am an awesome listener.
- I am known for being a great friend.
- My friends know that they mean the world to me.
- My friends and I are strong people.
- My friends respect me.
- My friends and I inspire each other.
- I have friends who I can be totally honest with.
- My circle of friends build each other up and do not tear each other apart.
- My friends and I have a strong bond that remains strong even though we are miles apart.
- I am loved more than I ever thought possible.
- I have many life-long friendships.
- My relationship with friends is one of mutual love and respect.
- I express gratitude for my friends daily.
May these affirmations for friendship assist you on your journey to find your tribe.
Remember to watch your thoughts and always say positive things to yourself. Good things are within reach.
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